
Embark on a sensory journey through the Garden

Legal Information

Cookies policy
  • 1. Introduction

    The current cookies policy seeks to explain transparently and specifically how we use the personal information we collect through our website. As such, the present cookies policy details how, when, and why we use cookies on our website. This website uses cookies not only to ensure that we offer a unique and personalized experience but also how we can share with our technological partners collected data that allow us to continuously and integratively improve our website and your navigation experience.

  • 2. What are Cookies?

    Cookies are small files containing fragments of information stored on your device when you visit a website, usually with a unique ID. Some cookies are generated only when certain features are used or with your consent, while others are always generated and used. Permanent cookies are stored at the browser level and used for subsequent website visits if necessary for the proper functioning of the platform. On the other hand, temporary session cookies remain in your browser's cookies file until you leave the website. To learn more about the cookies we use, please refer to the list available below, which is updated based on your cookie preferences and consent.

  • 3. What Cookies do we use?

    The use of cookies is widespread across all websites and does not harm the devices (such as computers, tablets, or mobile phones) on which they are stored. Instead, cookies enhance the user's experience by improving platform performance and navigation. This is achieved by tailoring the content to meet users' actual needs and expectations. Our cookies are primarily of technical origin, ensuring better navigation and user experience. For a detailed understanding of the cookies we use, please refer to the following description:

    This website uses cookies.

    We use similar cookies and technologies to ensure the website's access, operation, and adaptation to your preferences. Additionally, third-party cookies help ensure our website functions properly, customize the content, and deliver advertisements based on browsing habits. For more details and to configure your preferences, please refer to our cookies policy. 

    This website enables cookies and similar technologies, either from our sources or third parties, which store information about your browsing activity on your browser or technological device.

    This information allows you to access, use, adapt to your preferences, and ensure the website's proper functioning. You also know your navigation habits to customize content and ads to promote products and services.

    Sometimes, using these technologies requires consent, allowing you to define your preferences and control access to information while browsing the Website.


    Please click on the various headers for more information and to provide your consent. We want to notify you that blocking certain cookies and similar technologies may impact your website browsing experience and the availability of certain services.


    Your consent applies to the following domains: www.parqueterranostra.com


    Last Update of the Cookies Notification on 18/04/23 by Cookiebot: